What is Shani Sade Sati
Sade Saathi has many names such as Sade Saathi, Shanichari, Musibathi, Aafath etc. Nature is well understood by the science of astrology. Astrology has many branches such as Vedic Astrology, Industrial astrology, personal astrology etc. In these branches of astrology, the study of Rasi and the effect of planets have an important place. In the science of astrology, all the aspects of life are affected by the combination of planets in a group. Every planet is attributed with a special role. Happiness and sorrow play hide and seek in man’s life. In some people’s lives there is more happiness as there is more unhappiness in some people’s lives. The attaining of ‘moksha’ is the ultimate goal of man’s life. In the astro-charts of many astrological texts planet Shani has been given the place of the planet of sorrow. This may be true only up to an extent and in certain aspects. It is shown that God Shani, soon after his birth, showed a glimpse of his nature to his father God Surya. God Shani, who symbolizes righteousness and justice, creates Sade Saathi.
Period Of Sade Sati
Sade Saathi is a period of 7 and ½ years. Shani takes 30 years to traverse all the 12 planets. He stays 2 and ½ years in one ‘rasi’ or sun sign. When the planet, aspects the lord of the house, then the good benefits are derived. In the garland of planets, God Shani is called ‘Chaya Martand’. When ‘Chaya Grah’ or the star passes through a house, that star sign’s previous star’s sign and the next star sign is troubled. That is ‘Chaya Grah’. This belief is accepted in Sade Saathi. When Shani passes through the 12th house of the birth chart for the second time, then it is called as Sade Saathi. Shani stays in a house for 2 and ½ years. This way, God Shani’s transit through 3 houses is called Sade Saathi. (2 and ½ x 3= 7and ½). Therefore, this patch of 7and1/2 years is known to bring suffering, sorrows and misfortune. This is known by people as Sade Saathi.In the birth chart of Moon sign, when there is Shani behind and ahead, till then it is called Sade Saathi. In the normal course, the effects of Sade Saathi are common to all creatures. Then, whether they are saints, commoners, great people, spiritualists, Gods or godly people, all have them have the same effect on them. Whether it is King Veer Vikramaditya or Nala Damayanti or people of all kinds, the effect of it is the same on all.
The cure for Sade Saathi
“Om Nilanjana Samabhasam | Ravi Putram Yamagrajam ||
Cahaya Martanda Samhubhutam | Tama Namami Shanescharam||"
The person who has Sade Saathi should recite Shani Mahamantra 23000 times within the 7 and ½ years. Shani Mahamantra’s recital should finish within 23 days. Thus, by reciting the Shani Mahamantra by a ‘mala’ ten times a day, it will finish in 23 days. If the person is young, then his parents can do it for him. While this praying is on, the person should eat simple food. He must sleep on the floor on a bed sheet and live the life of a ‘bramhachari’. It should be remembered that the praying of the Shani Mahamantra should be done at one stretch in one sitting at one place. Whoever wants to perform the ‘shanti’ must perform it on all Shanichari Amavahshya’. On a half meter of black cloth, taking the ‘pandraya yantra’, the ‘sindoor’ of God Hanuaman and oil should be mixed and the ‘yantra’ should be created. After tying a coconut without water in it, by tracing the body’s length with it seven times, it should be consigned to flowing water.